Basic Concepts

Website –

Online store is the Seller’s online store located on the Site.

Site visitor is a person who came to the site without the purpose of placing an Order.

User is an individual, a visitor to the Site, who accepts the terms of this Agreement and wishes to place Orders in the online store

Contract Offer is a public offer of the Seller addressed to any legally capable individual to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with him (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) on the terms specified on the Site.

Buyer a user who placed an Order in the online store

The seller is self-employed Drygina Alla Konstantinovna

Product is a list of assortment items presented on the Site.

Order is a duly executed request from the Buyer for the purchase and delivery to the address specified by the Buyer of the Products selected on the Site.

Acceptance is the Buyer’s full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Agreement by filling out the Order form on the Site.

  1. General Provisions

1.1. The Seller sells Products through the online store at

1.2. The Buyer’s order of goods posted on the Site means that the Buyer agrees with all the terms of this Offer and the Privacy Policy.

1.3. The Seller has the right to make changes to the Offer without notifying the Buyer.

1.4. The validity period of the Offer is unlimited, unless otherwise indicated on the Site.

1.5. The Seller on the website provides the Buyer with complete and reliable information about the product.

  1. Subject of the Offer

2.1. Drygina Alla Konstantinovna undertakes to transfer to the Buyer the goods intended for personal, family, home or other use, based on the Order placed on the Site, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the Goods under the terms of this Offer.

2.2. The ownership of the ordered goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the latter pays the full cost of the goods on the website and the actual transfer of the goods to the Buyer. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the goods are actually transferred to the Buyer.

  1. Cost of goods/services

3.1. Prices for goods are determined by the Seller unilaterally and indisputably and are indicated on the pages of the online store located at the Internet address

3.2. The price of the goods is indicated in rubles of the Russian Federation.

3.3. Payments between the Site and the Buyer for goods are made using the methods indicated on the Site in the PAY IN STORE section.

  1. Moment of conclusion of the Offer

4.1. Before placing an Order, the Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with the terms of purchase of the goods specified in this offer, as well as on the website, including the price of the goods, its description and characteristics.

4.2. Acceptance of this Offer (agreement) is the Buyer placing an order for goods on the website in accordance with the terms of this Offer.

4.3. The Buyer bears full responsibility for providing incorrect information, which results in the Seller’s inability to properly fulfill its obligations to the Buyer.

4.4. By accepting this Offer, the Buyer agrees that:

  • registration data (including personal data) is provided by him voluntarily;
  • registration data (including personal data) is transmitted in electronic form via Internet communication channels;
  • registration data (including personal data) is transferred to the Site for the purposes specified in this Offer and the Privacy Policy, and can be transferred to third parties for the purposes specified in this Offer;
  • registration data (including personal data) can be used by the Site to promote goods and services by making direct contacts with the Buyer using communication channels;
  • for the purpose of additional protection against fraudulent activities, the registration data specified by the Buyer (including personal data) can be transferred to the bank that carries out transactions for payment of placed orders;
  • the consent given by the Buyer to the processing of his registration data (including personal data) is unlimited and can be revoked by the Buyer or his legal representative by submitting a written application submitted to the Site.

5. Return of goods and funds

5.1. Refunds are made by returning the cost of the paid item to a bank card.

  1. Delivery of goods

6.1. Delivery of goods to the Buyer is carried out using the methods and within the time limits specified on the Site in the “Delivery” section.

6.2. Delivery is carried out by the transport companies Russian Post, Boxberry and SDEK.

6.3. The Buyer receives the goods at the branches of transport companies upon presentation of a passport.

6.4. The Seller’s obligation to transfer the goods to the Buyer is considered fulfilled at the moment the Buyer receives the Goods at the branch of the transport company.

6.3. After receiving the goods, claims regarding the quantity, completeness and type of goods will not be accepted.

  1. Validity period of the Offer

7.1. This Offer comes into force from the moment of its acceptance by the Buyer.

  1. Additional terms

8.1. The Seller has the right to assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations arising from its relationship with the Buyer to third parties.

8.2. The site may be temporarily partially or completely unavailable due to maintenance or other work, or for any other technical reasons.

8.3. If the Buyer has any questions or complaints, he must contact the Seller at or in any other accessible way. The parties will try to resolve all disputes that arise through negotiations; if no agreement is reached, the dispute will be referred to a judicial authority in accordance with the current legislation.

8.5. Recognition by a court of the invalidity of any provision of this Agreement does not entail the invalidity of the remaining provisions.

  1. Seller details

Self-employed Drygina Alla Konstantinovna

Publication date: 28.01.2024


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